
Work In progress

EasySettings are located at Assets/EasyCodeForVivox/Settings/EasySettings

You can configure Logging, Dynamic Events, Text-To-Speech Voice Gender, and how often User updates/events are invoked/fired.

If using Dynamic Events, you should specify which assemblies you want searched.

I have chosen to only search EasyCodeForVivox and Assembly-CSharp (default Unity project Assembly unless you create your Assembly Definitions). If OnlySearchTheseAssemblies is left blank EasyCode will search all assemblies asynchronously at startup to avoid UI/thread blocking. If there are a lot of Assemblies to search and players start playing the game immediately some Dynamic events may not be registered in time and will not be invoked/fired

I had to implement like this because searching all assemblies inside a project with a lot of assets/packages took a long time (7+ seconds at startup even after ignoring most of Unity's packages/Assemblies)

using EasyCodeForVivox;
using UnityEngine;
using VivoxUnity;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "EasySettings", menuName = "EasyCodeForVivox/Create EasySettings", order = 1)]
public class EasySettingsSO : ScriptableObject
    [Tooltip("Choose which gender Vivox will use when using Text-To-Speech")]
    public VoiceGender VoiceGender = VoiceGender.female;
    [Tooltip("Hz is how many times per second you want to update Participant Properties")]
    public ParticipantPropertyUpdateFrequency VivoxParticipantPropertyUpdateFrequency = ParticipantPropertyUpdateFrequency.StateChange;
    public bool LogEasyManager;
    public bool LogEasyManagerEventCallbacks;
    public bool UseDynamicEvents;
    public bool OnlySearchAssemblyCSharp;
    public bool LogAssemblySearches;
    public bool LogAllDynamicMethods;
    public bool LogAllAudioDevices;
    public bool LogVoiceActivityDetection;
    public bool LogEasyNetCode;
    public bool LogNetCodeForGameObjects;


Last updated