Text Channel

Inherit from EasyManager.cs

using EasyCodeForVivox;

public class VivoxManager : EasyManager


Inject EasyTextChannel

using EasyCodeForVivox;
using UnityEngine;
using Zenject;

public class VivoxTextChannel : MonoBehaviour
    EasyTextChannel _textChannel;

    public void Initialize(EasyTextChannel textChannel)
        _textChannel = textChannel;

Toggle Text in a Channel On/Off

Toggle (turn on/off) Text in a channel. A channel must be connected to activate the Text /Chat capabilities in that channel.

  • Turns Text/Chat capabilities on for the channel called "chat"


public void ToggleTextInChannel()
    ToggleTextInChannel("chat", true);


public void ToggleTextInChannel()
    _textChannel.ToggleTextInChannel(EasySession.ChannelSessions["chat"], true);

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